mandag 15. desember 2008

tirsdag 9. desember 2008

Guess I can call this the "real" first

Now that I have cleansed up in here and thrown Anto out, I can start blog about me stuff, and only me stuff.. If you guys are prepared to listen to it, and want to read what I have hidden deep inside of me. 

I can start with one thing though, and I guess some of you have figured out that I don't feel so good at the moment. I am sad often and might not respond as I usually do. But I am working on it. 
This summer I moved 8 hours further north to try out a new place and get a new start at school. And I lost some of my friends because of it, and that kinda pulled me down. I am very glad that I had my online friends during that time, or else I don't know what I would've done. (And of course my dearest friend Anto<3)>

After that me and Anto had some troubles with finding ourselves an apartment in Tronheim, so we go kinda stressed out. Not helping on my mood at all. But we finally found a place after one months of being homeless, almost. Thank U thoughts sent to Antos' aunt and uncle. 
To our bad luck this apartment was SO wrong, I don't even wanna talk about it. Okay, one think I can say and I guess you see my point; We could here those we rented the apartment from having SEX, and that I don't accept. 

So, we lived there for about one and a half month and we bought an apartment in an apartment-complexe. I am very satysfied! YES i am.. After that turn, I started to miss school, stopped doing my homework, started to be online all the time.. And now I might not get my grades. So I am kinda messed up! All my bad memories from my past is coming back to me.. Taking me on a ride all over again.. I won't let it happen, but it slowly makes me too afterall.. No matter what I want! 

But yeah, here is a little taste of what my head have to manage every single day...

onsdag 22. oktober 2008

New style-life changing?

Okay here we go again! We are so not good with updating our blog, but we will change :)

This is the new me ;) Would a hair cut and a new haircolour change someones identity? Maybe not, but I guess I would feel better.. Hope so..! So much has happend in my life lately, but the strangest thing ever, is that kinda the same thing has happend parralled with Anette. Weird! On the other hand I have never said that Anette and me are to normal human beings. 

It may be wrong to say that I am kinda happy that we are going through the same thing at the same time, so either one of us will get shitloads of complaining at different times. So Anette I love you for being here with me in my hardest time ever in life! <3

The pictures of todays makeover is down below this text so look and have a laugh or a smile at my account :) *hihi*

Anette is going to the hairdresser tomorrow so we'll be updating this blog tomorrow with her new hair change ;)